Small script to find out what event receivers are attached to a given list / document library.
Of course, you don't need that if you can have the luxury of having SharePointManager on your server.
Get-PSSnapin | Where { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"})
) {
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;
$url = "https://myservername/mysite/mysubweb"
$listWebRelativeUrl = "/lists/thelist" # for a doc lib just "/DocLibName"
$site = Get-SPSite $url
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
$list =$web.GetList($web.ServerRelativeUrl + $listWebRelativeUrl)
$list.EventReceivers | foreach{write-host $_.Type " " $_.Name " " $_.ID}
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Upload Douments in Document Library Sharepoint 2010
I needed to make some tests on Sharepoint Tresholds, so I needed a small script that uploads a large amount of documents (The same document) in my Doc Libraries.
For that I just created in the same folder where my Powershell script is running a small Test.txt file. And Uploaded it a given number of times under a new name.
Here's the script:
Get-PSSnapin | Where { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"})
) {
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;
$uploadURL = "http://MYWEBURL/"
$fileName = "test.txt"
$uploadLibraries = @("Documents", "Documents2")
#I'm Uploading to the root, but you could put there a folder like "Documents/FolderName"
#I want to uplaod 6000 docs on each library... that takes a while
$startFileIndex = 0
$thisScriptPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$oldFilePath = $thisScriptPath + "\" + $fileName
$site = Get-SPSite -Identity $uploadURL
if($site -ne $null){
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
if($web -ne $null -and $web.Exists){
foreach($uploadLibrary in $uploadLibraries)
$docLib = $web.GetFolder("/"+$uploadLibrary)
write-host 'Document Library is unavailable'
$docLib = $null
for($i = $startFileIndex; $i -lt $TOTALDOCSTOUPLOAD; $i++)
if($docLib -ne $null)
$fileParts = $fileName.split(".")
$fileParts[0] = $fileParts[0]+ $i.ToString()
$newFileName = [string]::join('.', $fileParts)
$newFilePath = $thisScriptPath + "\" + $newFileName
Rename-Item $oldFilePath $newFilePath
$docUrl = $docLib.ServerRelativeUrl + "/" + $newFileName
$file = $docLib.Files[$docurl]
if($file.LockType -eq "None" -and $docLib.RequiresCheckout)
$fileStream =$((Get-ChildItem $newFilePath).OpenRead())
$docLib.Files.Add($docUrl, $fileStream, $true) | Out-Null
$file = $docLib.Files[$docurl]
if($file.CheckOutType -ne "None")
if($docLib.RequiresCheckout) {
$file.CheckIn("Updated Template", 1)
Rename-Item $newFilePath $oldFilePath
write-Host "Uploade "$newFilePath "to "$uploadLibrary
For that I just created in the same folder where my Powershell script is running a small Test.txt file. And Uploaded it a given number of times under a new name.
Here's the script:
Get-PSSnapin | Where { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"})
) {
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;
$uploadURL = "http://MYWEBURL/"
$fileName = "test.txt"
$uploadLibraries = @("Documents", "Documents2")
#I'm Uploading to the root, but you could put there a folder like "Documents/FolderName"
#I want to uplaod 6000 docs on each library... that takes a while
$startFileIndex = 0
$thisScriptPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$oldFilePath = $thisScriptPath + "\" + $fileName
$site = Get-SPSite -Identity $uploadURL
if($site -ne $null){
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
if($web -ne $null -and $web.Exists){
foreach($uploadLibrary in $uploadLibraries)
$docLib = $web.GetFolder("/"+$uploadLibrary)
write-host 'Document Library is unavailable'
$docLib = $null
for($i = $startFileIndex; $i -lt $TOTALDOCSTOUPLOAD; $i++)
if($docLib -ne $null)
$fileParts = $fileName.split(".")
$fileParts[0] = $fileParts[0]+ $i.ToString()
$newFileName = [string]::join('.', $fileParts)
$newFilePath = $thisScriptPath + "\" + $newFileName
Rename-Item $oldFilePath $newFilePath
$docUrl = $docLib.ServerRelativeUrl + "/" + $newFileName
$file = $docLib.Files[$docurl]
if($file.LockType -eq "None" -and $docLib.RequiresCheckout)
$fileStream =$((Get-ChildItem $newFilePath).OpenRead())
$docLib.Files.Add($docUrl, $fileStream, $true) | Out-Null
$file = $docLib.Files[$docurl]
if($file.CheckOutType -ne "None")
if($docLib.RequiresCheckout) {
$file.CheckIn("Updated Template", 1)
Rename-Item $newFilePath $oldFilePath
write-Host "Uploade "$newFilePath "to "$uploadLibrary
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Enabling / Adding Sharepoint Search Autocompletion
Ever wonder how to get that Auto-completion to work on the SharePoint search box?
Select the Service application:
$srchSvcApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceapplication -Identity "Search Service Application"
Add a new Suggestion:
$lang = "de-de"
$newQuerySuggestion = "Powershell for Sharepoint 2010"
New-SPEnterpriseSearchLanguageResourcePhrase -SearchApplication $srchSvcApp -Language $lang -Type QuerySuggestionAlwaysSuggest -Name $newQuerySuggestion
Run the time Job:
$querySugestionTimer=Get-SPTimerJob|? {$_.Name -eq "Prepare Query Suggestions"}
Select the Service application:
$srchSvcApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceapplication -Identity "Search Service Application"
Add a new Suggestion:
$lang = "de-de"
$newQuerySuggestion = "Powershell for Sharepoint 2010"
New-SPEnterpriseSearchLanguageResourcePhrase -SearchApplication $srchSvcApp -Language $lang -Type QuerySuggestionAlwaysSuggest -Name $newQuerySuggestion
Run the time Job:
$querySugestionTimer=Get-SPTimerJob|? {$_.Name -eq "Prepare Query Suggestions"}
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